Marketing: The Core (7th Edition) – eBook PDF
Kerin/Hartley’s Marketing: The Core, 7th Edition, (PDF) continues to meet the requirements of a wide spectrum of faculty—from professors looking for a solid textbook with key supplements, to those looking for a top-notch integrated digital solution. Marketing: The Core emphasizes on decision making through extended examples, cases, and videos engaging real people making real marketing decisions. The author team’s accessible, informal writing style and active learning approach will involve students, while exercises, vivid cases, and testimonials featuring a number of businesses, marketing professionals, and entrepreneurs assist students to personalize marketing and recognize possible career interests. New to the Seventh Edition contains analytics and marketing plan exercises in Connect. Contact your representative for a complete list of Connect (not included in this sale) content.
A newer edition is also available. See related ebooks below
NOTE: The product only includes Marketing: The Core, 7th Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.
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