Chile: Environmental History, Perspectives and Challenges – eBook PDF
“Chile is situated in the Southern Cone of South America; it has a great diversity of landscapes, which have been considered by scientists and naturalists as an exceptional patrimony of nature. This country has over 4,000 kilometers of latitudinal extension, with deserts, large mineral deposits, agricultural valleys, ancient forests, relict and endemic species, dunes, glaciers, indigenous cultures and an increasing economy.
The main objective of Chile: Environmental History, Perspectives and Challenges, (PDF) is to contribute to the understanding of the environment in Chile. The first chapter emphasizes understanding an important dimension of nature, explaining the Chilean forests as one of the main natural patrimonies of the country. Then the human enforcement of natural patrimony and conservation biodiversity is presented. Topics like plastic pollution in oceans, the role of the school education system, private protected areas, and others are addressed. Then the ebook focuses on the potential impacts generated by climate change on the environment of Chile.Substitutes for sustainable development in the near future that take into account food security, soil erosion, and climate change. The ebook finalizes two issues that are strongly linked to natural hazards, human activities, and mining impacts. A history of natural hazards in Chile is provided, evaluating the changes in policy and the influence of socio-environmental events and dynamics on the existing structure of risks in Chile determined by natural and human factors. Lastly, an analysis of the impacts of mining associated with arsenic and copper is presented, explaining the development of environmental standards, which aim to prevent or reduce the impacts on nature and humans”–
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, Chile: Environmental History, Perspectives and Challenges in PDF. No access codes are included.
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