Bailey and Scott’s Diagnostic Microbiology (13th Edition) – eBook PDF
Acknowledged as the #1 bench reference for practicing microbiologists and an excellent ebook for students in clinical laboratory science programs, Bailey & Scott’s Diagnostic Microbiology, 13th Edition, (PDF) assists you to develop and refine the skills you require for effective laboratory testing. Detailed information is useful and easily accessible, with step-by-step instructions for all the procedures. This latest 13th edition includes more than 20 NEW chapters plus updated material on the latest advances and the latest trends in clinical microbiology. Written by specialist Dr. Patricia Tille, this classic reference addresses the issues and topics most relevant to you and your success on the job.
- Convenient, easy-to-read tables condense key information.
- A glossary of terms is found at the back of the ebook for quick reference.
- Detailed, full-color illustrations help comprehension and help you envision concepts.
- Student resources on Evolve Improve your learning with review questions and procedures.
- NEW! Learning objectives begin each chapter, giving you a quantifiable outcome to attain by completing the material.
- Practical procedures include full-color photos, step-by-step instructions, and expected results, helping you achieve more accurate results.
- NEW! Review questions on the Evolve companion website are linked to learning objectives and improve your understanding and retention of chapter content.
- Case studies give you the opportunity to implement your skills in a variety of diagnostic scenarios and help enhance your decision-making and critical thinking skills.
- NEW! Reader-friendly chapters include groups of related organisms rather than addressing them all at once, including the parasitology, mycology, and virology chapters.
- Genera and Species to be Considered boxes stress all of the organisms to be discussed in every chapter, including the current name of the species as well as any previous names.
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, Bailey & Scott’s Diagnostic Microbiology 13th Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.
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