AmGov: Long Story Short – eBook PDF
A truly groundbreaking American Government textbook, AmGov: Long Story Short, (PDF) responds to the needs of today’s teachers and students through accessibility and brevity. The concise ten chapters are separated by tabs that make it easy to skim, revisit, flip, reorient, and return to content quickly. Reading aids like annotations, bullets and arrows walk students through important facts and break up the material in short, interesting bites of information that highlight not only what is important but why it’s important. Although brief, this core ebook is still robust enough to offer everything that students need to be successful in their American Government course. Whether for the on-the-go college student who doesn’t have time to read and digest a long chapter, or the teacher who wants an ebook that will stay out of their way and leave room for several supplementary reading and activities, AmGov provides a perfectly simplified foundation for a successful American Government course.
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook AmGov: Long Story Short in PDF. No access codes are included.
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