Property Aspects of Intellectual Property – eBook PDF
For several years, there have been discussions about whether intellectual property (IP) is really property. The property concept, mainly when used in transnational and international concepts, remains somewhat indefinable. Here, Ole-Andreas Rognstad expansively discusses the use of the property metaphor in relation to IP from a transnational perspective. Rognstad gives an outline of the main aspects of the IP/property interface, particularly the justification and the structuring of the rights and intellectual property rights as assets. Furthermore, he highlights the importance of distinguishing between these characteristics, even though they are closely connected to each other. Property Aspects of Intellectual Property (PDF) takes a transnational approach, dealing with current developments in international investment law and European human/fundamental rights law, assisting readers to understand the practical implications of the IP/property interface. This will be important reading for practitioners, academics, and policymakers working in the area of IP, and philosophers and lawyers interested in the property debate.
‘The ebook not only contributes to the theoretical discourse about IP but it also offers important input for IP practice. What more can you expect from an ebook on IP theory?‘ — Alexander Peukert, European Intellectual Property Review
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, Property Aspects of Intellectual Property in PDF. No access codes are included.
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