Principles of Managerial Finance – Brief (7th Edition) – eBook PDF
Guide college students through many complex materials with a proven learning goal system. This system – a hallmark feature of Principles of Managerial Finance, 7th edition Brief (PDF) — weaves proven pedagogy into concepts and practice, giving college students a nice roadmap to follow through the textbook and supplementary tools.
MyFinanceLab (not in sale) for Principles of Managerial Finance: Brief, 7th Edition creates learning experiences that are truly very personalized and continuously adaptive. MyFinanceLab reacts to how college students are actually performing, offering data-driven real guidance that helps them better absorb course material and understand the more difficult concepts – resulting in better performance than normal in the course. A dynamic set of tools for gauging college students and class progress means educators can spend less time grading and more time teaching.
NOTE: This product only contains the ebook Principles of Managerial Finance: Brief, 7e, in PDF. No access codes included.
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