Get the right amount of pharmacology content to succeed on the NCLEX and as a professional nurse with Pharmacology: A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach, 9th Edition (PDF). Using a streamlined prototype approach and a focus on nursing care, this ebook makes it easy for today’s nursing students to better comprehend the complicated subject of pharmacology. The ebook’s detailed chapter on dosage calculation, the nursing process framework for strong QSEN focus, drug therapy, and summaries of prototype drugs help provide the perfect pharmacology foundation. This latest new 9th edition also includes an improved overall organization, updated prototype drug charts, more streamlined content, a new chapter on transplant drugs, new and updated critical thinking case studies, expanded information on cultural considerations, and much more. In all, it’s the definite way to put your best foot forward when it comes to nursing pharmacology on the NCLEX and in practice!
-QSEN focus stresses patient-centered care, safety, quality, and collaboration and teamwork.
-Cultural considerations icons emphasize important cultural considerations in the Nursing Process sections.
-Coverage of prioritization throughout the ebook helps readers learn to prioritize nursing care and differentiate need-to-know from nice-to-know content.
-Consistent RN-standard chapter pedagogy includes objectives, key terms with page references, outlines, and activities on the Evolve companion website.
-Application-level NCLEX Study Questions at the end of every chapter help prepare readers for the growing pharmacology coverage on the NCLEX Examination.
-UNIQUE! Illustrated overviews of normal physiology and anatomy open every unit and offer a critical foundational review for comprehending how drugs work in each body system.
-UNIQUE! An extensive, color-coded Drug Calculations chapter provides six methods of dosage calculation, offering a helpful review and supplement to a dosage calculations textbook.
-A chapter on quality and safety discusses medication errors, National Patient Safety Goals, specific nursing measures to promote safety, and many other safety issues and concerns.
-UNIQUE! Nursing Process summaries provide patient care and drug therapy within the framework of every step of the nursing process, including information on patient teaching and cultural considerations.
NOTE: The product only includes the converted version of Pharmacology: A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach 9e in PDF. The page numbers and formatting will NOT match the physical book! Access codes are not included.
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