Organizational Behavior, Global Edition (Updated 18th Edition) – eBook PDF
Forundergraduate and graduate courses in organizational behavior.
Help studentsbetter understand their behavioral and interpersonal skills.
Longconsidered the standard for all organizational behavior textbooks, OrganizationalBehavior provides the research you want, in the language yourstudents understand.
This text continues its tradition of making current,relevant research come alive for readers.
The Updated 18thEdition has been thoroughly revised to reflect the most recentresearch and business events within the field of organizational behaviorworldwide, while maintaining its hallmark features ― a clear writing style,cutting-edge content, and intuitive pedagogy.
There’s a reason why Robbins’stextbooks have educated millions of students and have been translated intotwenty languages ― and it’s because of a commitment that provides the kind ofengaging, cutting-edge material that helps students understand and connect withorganizational behavior.
NOTE: The product only includes the eBook, Organizational Behavior, Global Edition, Updated 18th Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.
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