Opportunities and Challenges of Workplace Diversity (2nd Edition) – eBook PDF
Uncover and understand the complexities of managing workplace diversity.
Opportunities and Challenges of Workplace Diversity 2nd edition (PDF) teaches students to uncover and understand the complexities of managing diversity through a unique dialogue of opportunity. Through its three-tiered structure this textbook effectively explains the complexities of managerial and legal aspects in workplace diversity; presents examples of positive and negative management methods; encourages readers to develop a set of skills they will need when managing diversity in their future careers.
Opportunities and Challenges of Workplace Diversity: Theory, Cases, and Exercises 2nd Edition
The updated Second Edition contains many meaningful changes–a new chapter, new and updated opening essays, enhanced exercises, and new newspaper articles and case studies–that will enhance the quality of learning about diversity in organizations.
NOTE: This sale only includes the ebook Opportunities and Challenges of Workplace Diversity 2e in PDF. No access codes included.
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