Introduction to Probability (2nd Edition) – eBook PDF
Developed from celebrated Harvard statistics lectures, Hwang/Blitzstein’s Introduction to Probability, 2nd edition, (PDF) provides essential language and tools for randomness, understanding statistics and uncertainty. The ebook explores a wide variety of applications and examples, ranging from coincidences and paradoxes to Google PageRank and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). Additional application areas examined include genetics, computer science, medicine, and information theory.
The authors present the material in an easy style and motivate concepts using real-world examples. Throughout, they use stories to unfold connections between the fundamental distributions in statistics and conditioning to less complicated problems to manageable pieces. The ebook includes many intuitive explanations, diagrams, and practice problems. Every chapter ends with a section showing how to perform related simulations and calculations in R, a free statistical software environment.
The 2nd edition includes many new examples, exercises, and explanations, to strengthen understanding of the ideas, clear subtle concepts, and respond to feedback from many students and readers. New supplementary online resources have been developed, including animations and interactive visualizations, and the ebook has been updated to conform with these resources.
NOTE: The product includes the ebook, Blitzstein/Hwang Introduction to Probability 2e in PDF. No access codes are included.
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