Elements of Modern Algebra 8th Edition by Linda Gilbert, ISBN-13: 978-1285463230
[PDF eBook eTextbook]
- Publisher: Cengage Learning; 8th edition (January 1, 2014)
- Language: English
- 528 pages
- ISBN-10: 1285463234
- ISBN-13: 978-1285463230
ELEMENTS OF MODERN ALGEBRA, Eighth Edition, with its user-friendly format, provides you with the tools you need to succeed in abstract algebra and develop mathematical maturity as a bridge to higher-level mathematics courses. Strategy boxes give you guidance and explanations about techniques and enable you to become more proficient at constructing proofs. A summary of key words and phrases at the end of each chapter help you master the material. A reference section, symbolic marginal notes, an appendix, and numerous examples help you develop your problem-solving skills.
“It is written in such a way that our students can succeed at mastering the algebra concepts they need for their secondary mathematics education career, or for advancing to the next modern algebra course, if desired. The book emphasizes the algebra topics we want our students to know. The order of the topics is perfect and the time (pages) devoted to each topic is what we want. There is an abundant number of exercises so that you can make sure your students achieve success, and at the same time, challenge them to advance to a much higher level.” – Joan Bell, Northeastern State University
“This book does a nice job in presenting both computations and concepts. There is a blend of each throughout each section, with the mechanical, computational problems tied together by conceptual problems and observations.” – Elizabeth Bodine, Cabrini College
Linda Gilbert received her Ph.D. from Louisiana Tech University with a specialty in Linear and Abstract Algebras. She has been writing textbooks since 1981 with her husband Jimmie Gilbert, including ELEMENTS OF MODERN ALGEBRA and LINEAR ALGEBRA and MATRIX THEORY (now in its second edition) with Cengage Learning, plus titles in College Algebra, Precalculus, College Algebra and Trigonometry, Trigonometry, and Intermediate Algebra.
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