Distance in International Business: Concept, Cost and Value – eBook PDF
This teaching and research volume has been composed in honor of Rosalie Tung, a prominent institution builder, educator, and thought leader in the field of international business (IB). The volume addresses Rosalie Tung’s main research emphasis in a career that has already spanned numerous decades, namely the analysis of distance facing multinational enterprises (MNEs), with an emphasis on state-of-the-art conceptual and fact-based empirical developments in the area of cultural and institutional distance elements.
The effect of distance on international business transactions and operations remains ill-understood. How should distance be conceptualized? Is distance always a cost, or can it sometimes discuss value? Which dimensions of distance should be considered?
This twelfth volume in the Progress in International Business Research series offers extensive accounts of the contemporary scientific debate on how to evaluate the impacts of distance, both positive and negative ones, on the conduct of international business.
Distance in International Business, (PDF) includes five dimensions related to the concept, cost, and value of distance, in International business:
- The value of distance
- The concept of distance
- The cost of institutional distance
- Alternative lenses for IB research
- The cost of cultural and psychic distance
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, Distance in International Business in PDF. No access codes are included.
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